Why Us

Dedicated Staff

With 24 dedicated staff members from five different Spanish-speaking countries, our school is a powerhouse of talent, with each individual playing a vital role in shaping our students' success!

PAWsitive Panthers

At City Park, students shine in our Character Education program, earning recognition and rewards each month for exemplifying our PAWSitive Panther Character word.

Historic and Legacy-rich

Our campus has been used to educate DPS students for 100 years.

Six Exciting Specials Classes

Our specials classes ignite creativity and explore diverse interests, offering enriching experiences in areas such as drama, tumbling, music, and art.

Programs and clubs


The Chick Fil A Cow

"It was my pleasure to visit City Park School."

- The Chick-fil-A Cow, City Park Supporter

Shaniya Washington

When there is a tradition at City Park, you know it will always be the best. I love City Park!

- Shanya Washington, former Panther, current DHS cheerleader

Audrey Manis

I love the community at City Park. There are so many people from different places and backgrounds. I have learned many things from teachers and students alike.

- Audrey Manis-2nd Grade Teacher